XP-Endo Rise

ONE glidepath + ONE shaper = ONE straightforward procedure

A totally unique system that offers predictability, an excellent ability to adpapt to the canal and multiple use in initial treatment.

  • Ability to shape from Ø15 to 30
  • Designed with 6 cutting edges for optimal guidance
  • Optimal expansion capacity of up to 3x its core size
  • Seamless adaption to canal irregularities
  • Excellent resistance to cyclic fatigue
  • Superelasticity and extreme flexibility
  • Unique patent design delivers unequalled debris removal
  • Minimal stress applied to dentine walls



Sequence: 3 instruments of each type (Glider 15/.04 and Shaper 30/.04)

Glider: 3 instruments of a type.

Shaper: 3 instruments of a type.

Please enter your quantities in the grid below and add to basket
